How to make your teeth White and Clean at home

Wondering if people are talking about your bad breath during group discussions, in a meeting, in class, in church or at your workplace?
Well it`s your worry and it`s your responsibility to change.
Bad breath and yellow teeth can also reduce your confident to talk in front of people or laughing with  confident with your friends as smiles always reveals the smell and colour of your tooth.

Two ways to make your teeth white at clean at home:

Hydrogen peroxide is the main bleaching agent in most domestic products. Please note that tooth bleaching is generally safe. using everyday solutions in such as baking soda and a small amount of hydrogen peroxide can cause changes. How to do it?

Well start now;

1. Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda

A simple toothpaste (aquafresh) consisting of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda can create a brighter smile. That is baking soda combined with water releases free radicals that break down stain-causing molecules on tooth enamel. Below's the best approach:

  1. Use less baking soda than hydrogen peroxide, and make sure your paste isn't gritty.
  2. Combine about two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon of baking soda.
  3. Stir it into a paste and start brushing.
  4. Let the paste stand about a minute and then rinse.

It's always important to thoroughly rinse your mouth afterward so no hydrogen peroxide or baking soda is left over. Very important, limit the use of your paste to 1 or 2 times a week. Excessive use of baking soda can have the reverse effect of cleaning, breaking down your enamel over time and causing sensitivity in your teeth.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a multipurpose household product, it also has natural whitening properties. Using it together with baking soda actually helps to remove stains and cleans your teeth. To make your teeth whitening paste, two parts apple cider vinegar to one part baking soda is ideal. Note that, less is enough when it comes to baking soda. Try those solutions a few times a week see for yourself.

And very important, health diet maintains the health of your teeth. hence always eat fruits, vegetables, calcium containing food and milk as those can improve the health of your teeth. Avoid sugary food and junk food!

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